
Changing the news the forces shaping journalism in uncertain times edited
Lowrey, Wilson - Gade, Peter J.

ICOMM : interpersonal concepts and competencies : foundations of interpersonal communication
Berko, Roy - Aitken, Joan E. - Wolvin, Andrew

Comparing political communication theories, cases, and hallenges
Esser, Frank - Pfetsch, Barbara

Communication and
Organizational Knowledge : Contemporary Issues for Theory
and Practice
Canary, Heather E. - McPhee, Robert D.
Developing Language and Communication Skills through Effective Small Group Work
Nash, Marion - Lowe, Jackie - Palmer, Tracey

Rethinking linguistics
Davis, Hayley G. - Taylor, Talbot J.

The professinalisation of political communication changing media, changing eurupe volume 3
Negrine, R. - Mancini, P - Bacha, C. Holtz - Papathanassopulos, S