
VoIP technology: applications and challenges
Chakraborty, Tamal - Misra, Iti Saha - Prasad, Ramjee

Ultra low power ECG processing system for IoT devices
Habte, Temesghen Tekeste - Saleh, Hani - Mohammad, Baker - Ismail, Mohammed

Ultimate performance analysis tool (uPATO): implementation of network measures based on adjacency matrices for team sports
Silva, Frutuoso G. M. - Nguyen, Quoc Trong - Correia, Acácio F. P. P. - Martins, Fernando Manuel Lourenço

Ubiquitous computing and computing security of IoT
Abraham, Ajith - Jeyanthi, N. - Mcheick, Hamid

Health organizations: theory, behavior, and development
Johnson, James A. - Rossow, Caren C.

Hardware accelerators in data centers
Kachris, Christoforos - Falsafi, Babak - Soudris, Dimitrios

Handbook of model predictive control
Rakovi´c, Saˇsa V. - Levine, William S.