APA Style
Fadi, Al-Turjman. (2019).
Smart things and femtocells from hype to reality .
United States of America:
Taylor & Francis Group.
Chicago Style
Fadi, Al-Turjman.
Smart things and femtocells from hype to reality.
United States of America:
Taylor & Francis Group,
E-Book Teknik Informatika.
MLA Style
Fadi, Al-Turjman.
Smart things and femtocells from hype to reality.
United States of America:
Taylor & Francis Group,
E-Book Teknik Informatika.
Turabian Style
Fadi, Al-Turjman.
Smart things and femtocells from hype to reality.
United States of America:
Taylor & Francis Group,
E-Book Teknik Informatika.