APA Style
Hendricks, John Allen, Denton Jr., Robert E.. (2010).
Communicator in chief : how Barack Obama used new media technology to win the white house .
United States of America:
Lexington Books.
Chicago Style
Hendricks, John Allen, Denton Jr., Robert E..
Communicator in chief : how Barack Obama used new media technology to win the white house.
United States of America:
Lexington Books,
E-Book Fikom.
MLA Style
Hendricks, John Allen, Denton Jr., Robert E..
Communicator in chief : how Barack Obama used new media technology to win the white house.
United States of America:
Lexington Books,
E-Book Fikom.
Turabian Style
Hendricks, John Allen, Denton Jr., Robert E..
Communicator in chief : how Barack Obama used new media technology to win the white house.
United States of America:
Lexington Books,
E-Book Fikom.