APA Style
Merritt, Davis "Buzz", McCombs., Maxwell. (2004).
The two W;s of journalism : the why and what of public affairs journalism .
Lawrence Erlbaum Associate, Inc.
Chicago Style
Merritt, Davis "Buzz", McCombs., Maxwell.
The two W;s of journalism : the why and what of public affairs journalism.
Lawrence Erlbaum Associate, Inc,
E-Book Fikom.
MLA Style
Merritt, Davis "Buzz", McCombs., Maxwell.
The two W;s of journalism : the why and what of public affairs journalism.
Lawrence Erlbaum Associate, Inc,
E-Book Fikom.
Turabian Style
Merritt, Davis "Buzz", McCombs., Maxwell.
The two W;s of journalism : the why and what of public affairs journalism.
Lawrence Erlbaum Associate, Inc,
E-Book Fikom.