APA Style
Sloan, Wm. David. (1990).
Makers of the media mind : journalism educators and their ideas .
Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associate, Inc.
Chicago Style
Sloan, Wm. David.
Makers of the media mind : journalism educators and their ideas.
Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associate, Inc,
E-Book Fikom.
MLA Style
Sloan, Wm. David.
Makers of the media mind : journalism educators and their ideas.
Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associate, Inc,
E-Book Fikom.
Turabian Style
Sloan, Wm. David.
Makers of the media mind : journalism educators and their ideas.
Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associate, Inc,
E-Book Fikom.