APA Style

Inagaki, Nobuya. (2007). Communicating the Impact of Communication for Development:Recent Trends in Empirical Research . United States of America: The World Bank.

Chicago Style

Inagaki, Nobuya. Communicating the Impact of Communication for Development:Recent Trends in Empirical Research. United States of America: The World Bank, 2007. E-Book Fikom.

MLA Style

Inagaki, Nobuya. Communicating the Impact of Communication for Development:Recent Trends in Empirical Research. United States of America: The World Bank, 2007. E-Book Fikom.

Turabian Style

Inagaki, Nobuya. Communicating the Impact of Communication for Development:Recent Trends in Empirical Research. United States of America: The World Bank, 2007. E-Book Fikom.