APA Style
Hill, Anne, Watson, James, Rivers, Danny, Joyce, Mark. (2003).
Key themes in interpersonal communication : culture, identities and performance .
New York:
Open University Press.
Chicago Style
Hill, Anne, Watson, James, Rivers, Danny, Joyce, Mark.
Key themes in interpersonal communication : culture, identities and performance.
New York:
Open University Press,
E-Book Fikom.
MLA Style
Hill, Anne, Watson, James, Rivers, Danny, Joyce, Mark.
Key themes in interpersonal communication : culture, identities and performance.
New York:
Open University Press,
E-Book Fikom.
Turabian Style
Hill, Anne, Watson, James, Rivers, Danny, Joyce, Mark.
Key themes in interpersonal communication : culture, identities and performance.
New York:
Open University Press,
E-Book Fikom.