APA Style

Fisch, Shalom M.. (2004). Children’s learning from educational television : Sesame Street and beyond . United States of America: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc..

Chicago Style

Fisch, Shalom M.. Children’s learning from educational television : Sesame Street and beyond. United States of America: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 2004. E-Book Fikom.

MLA Style

Fisch, Shalom M.. Children’s learning from educational television : Sesame Street and beyond. United States of America: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 2004. E-Book Fikom.

Turabian Style

Fisch, Shalom M.. Children’s learning from educational television : Sesame Street and beyond. United States of America: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 2004. E-Book Fikom.