APA Style

Iggers, Jeremy.. (1999). Good news, bad netvs : jourtratism ethics and the public interest . Colorado: Westview Press, a Menzber of the krseus Books Group.

Chicago Style

Iggers, Jeremy.. Good news, bad netvs : jourtratism ethics and the public interest. Colorado: Westview Press, a Menzber of the krseus Books Group, 1999. E-Book Fikom.

MLA Style

Iggers, Jeremy.. Good news, bad netvs : jourtratism ethics and the public interest. Colorado: Westview Press, a Menzber of the krseus Books Group, 1999. E-Book Fikom.

Turabian Style

Iggers, Jeremy.. Good news, bad netvs : jourtratism ethics and the public interest. Colorado: Westview Press, a Menzber of the krseus Books Group, 1999. E-Book Fikom.