APA Style

Weinberg, Adam S., Pellow, David N., Schnaiberg, Allan. (2000). Urban recycling and the search for sustainable community development . United States of America: Princeton University Press.

Chicago Style

Weinberg, Adam S., Pellow, David N., Schnaiberg, Allan. Urban recycling and the search for sustainable community development. United States of America: Princeton University Press, 2000. E-Book Fikom.

MLA Style

Weinberg, Adam S., Pellow, David N., Schnaiberg, Allan. Urban recycling and the search for sustainable community development. United States of America: Princeton University Press, 2000. E-Book Fikom.

Turabian Style

Weinberg, Adam S., Pellow, David N., Schnaiberg, Allan. Urban recycling and the search for sustainable community development. United States of America: Princeton University Press, 2000. E-Book Fikom.