APA Style
Mark, Weiner. (2006).
Unleashing the power of pr : a contrarian’s guide to marketing and communication .
New York, USA:
John Wiley & Sons.
Chicago Style
Mark, Weiner.
Unleashing the power of pr : a contrarian’s guide to marketing and communication.
New York, USA:
John Wiley & Sons,
E-Book Fikom.
MLA Style
Mark, Weiner.
Unleashing the power of pr : a contrarian’s guide to marketing and communication.
New York, USA:
John Wiley & Sons,
E-Book Fikom.
Turabian Style
Mark, Weiner.
Unleashing the power of pr : a contrarian’s guide to marketing and communication.
New York, USA:
John Wiley & Sons,
E-Book Fikom.