APA Style
Cicchetti, Dante, Cohen, Donald. (2006).
Developmental psychopathology : risk, disorder, and adaptation, volume 3 (ed. 2.).
New Jersey:
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd,.
Chicago Style
Cicchetti, Dante, Cohen, Donald.
Developmental psychopathology : risk, disorder, and adaptation, volume 3.
ed. 2.
New Jersey:
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd,,
E-Book Psikologi.
MLA Style
Cicchetti, Dante, Cohen, Donald.
Developmental psychopathology : risk, disorder, and adaptation, volume 3.
ed. 2.
New Jersey:
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd,,
E-Book Psikologi.
Turabian Style
Cicchetti, Dante, Cohen, Donald.
Developmental psychopathology : risk, disorder, and adaptation, volume 3.
ed. 2.
New Jersey:
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd,,
E-Book Psikologi.