APA Style
Ezell, Lonnie. (2015).
Practical CodeIgniter 3: From the trenches advice on practical ways to develop web applications with the latest version of this time-tested PHP framework .
Lean Publishing.
Chicago Style
Ezell, Lonnie.
Practical CodeIgniter 3: From the trenches advice on practical ways to develop web applications with the latest version of this time-tested PHP framework.
Lean Publishing,
E-Book Manajemen.
MLA Style
Ezell, Lonnie.
Practical CodeIgniter 3: From the trenches advice on practical ways to develop web applications with the latest version of this time-tested PHP framework.
Lean Publishing,
E-Book Manajemen.
Turabian Style
Ezell, Lonnie.
Practical CodeIgniter 3: From the trenches advice on practical ways to develop web applications with the latest version of this time-tested PHP framework.
Lean Publishing,
E-Book Manajemen.