APA Style
Cole, Eric. (2003).
Hiding in plain sight: steganography and the art of covert communication .
Indianapolis, IN, USA:
Wiley Publishing, Inc..
Chicago Style
Cole, Eric.
Hiding in plain sight: steganography and the art of covert communication.
Indianapolis, IN, USA:
Wiley Publishing, Inc.,
E-Book Teknik Informatika.
MLA Style
Cole, Eric.
Hiding in plain sight: steganography and the art of covert communication.
Indianapolis, IN, USA:
Wiley Publishing, Inc.,
E-Book Teknik Informatika.
Turabian Style
Cole, Eric.
Hiding in plain sight: steganography and the art of covert communication.
Indianapolis, IN, USA:
Wiley Publishing, Inc.,
E-Book Teknik Informatika.