APA Style
Lamersdorf, Winfried, Tschammer, Volker, Amarger, Stephane. (2004).
Building the e-Service society : e-commerce, e-business, and e-government .
New York:
Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Chicago Style
Lamersdorf, Winfried, Tschammer, Volker, Amarger, Stephane.
Building the e-Service society : e-commerce, e-business, and e-government.
New York:
Kluwer Academic Publishers,
E-Book Teknik Informatika.
MLA Style
Lamersdorf, Winfried, Tschammer, Volker, Amarger, Stephane.
Building the e-Service society : e-commerce, e-business, and e-government.
New York:
Kluwer Academic Publishers,
E-Book Teknik Informatika.
Turabian Style
Lamersdorf, Winfried, Tschammer, Volker, Amarger, Stephane.
Building the e-Service society : e-commerce, e-business, and e-government.
New York:
Kluwer Academic Publishers,
E-Book Teknik Informatika.