Autonomic Communication
Vasilakos, Athanasios V. - Parashar, Manish - Karnouskos, Stamatis - Pedrycz, Witold
Knowledge, Communication and Creativity
Sales, Arnaud - Fournier, Marcel
Mass Communication Theory :
Foundations, Ferment, and Future
Baran, Stanley J. - Davis, Dennis K.
Analysis of Verbal and
Nonverbal Communication
and Enactment
Esposito, Anna - Vinciarelli, Alessandro - Vicsi, Klára
Atlantic Communications :
The Media in American and German History
from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century
Finzsch, Norbert - Lehmkuhl, Ursula
Political communication in postmodern democracy : challenging the primacy of politics
Brants, Kees - Voltmer, Katrin