Judul | Abstract | Halaman |
Tindak Pidana Korporasi di Indonesia | Corporate crime is a criminal offense relating to many aspects of corporate functioning, governed by a variety of laws. Based on a literature search there are numerous laws and regulations relating to issues of corporate crime, including: Money laundering, corruption, narcotics, psychotropic drugs, employment, banking, capital cultivation, business insurance, customs, excise, trafficking, terrorism, taxation, forestry, environment and consumer protection. This research suggests that corporate crime should be more socialized so that offenses can be effectively enforced. Corporate crimes should be followed up by law enforcement officials in order to be more effectively prosecuted. | 309-330 |
Kebijakan Hukum Pidana Tentang kejahatan Korporasi dan Sistem Pertanggungjawaban Pidananya dalam Upaya Penanggulangan Kejahatan Korporasi | Corporate crime is an extra ordinary crime that should be fought against with great effort. Such effort, however, is inversely proportional to the policies in the criminal laws serving as a base for their enforcement. This present research would focus on three problems, namely the criminalization of the corporate crime in Indonesia, the system of corporate responsibility adopted, and the system of corporate responsibility that will be applied. The research results showed that the criminalization in all forms of corporate crimes, according to the positive criminal law in Indonesia, was recognized as crimes. However, the arrangement between one criminal code and the others varies. The system of the criminal responsibility adopted in the positive law in Indonesia tends towards the identification and delegation theories, where those who do the mistakes and the source of their authority is examined. However, comprehensively, the stipulations in one criminal law and the others are different. In the draft of Indonesia Criminal Code, it is not explicitly stated that the criminal would be condemned, so it can be interpreted that the criminal should not be responsible for the crime he does since the criminal responsibility has been moved to the corporation. | 331-356 |
Penerapan Tindak Pidana Lingkungan Bagi Korporasi Dalam Penegakan Hukum Lingkungan Hidup di Indonesia | Pollution or environmental destruction caused by business activities, whether directly or indirectly, will decrease the quality and function of the environment. In development, the protection and management of the environment is promoted through legal compliance as a mere preventive effort; nonetheless, pollution or destruction of the environment by business activities will create a major impact on the environment of the present and future generations. Implementation of the Ultimum remedium principle in corporate criminal environmental law enforcement is intended as a last resort to an environmental law settlement. The principle of premium remedium should be considered and studied more deeply, considering the impact of business activities that cause pollution or environmental destruction. Corporate liability is imposed by applicable administrative, civil, and criminal laws and regulations, but the problems in the settlement of the case depend on the category of pollution or destruction that occurs, as well as whether a case can apply the principle of avoiding ultimum remedium settlement through application of criminal law, or apply settlement through administrative, civil and criminal law. | 357-376 |
Kejahatan Korporasi Dalam Pencemaran Lintas Batas Negara: Studi Pencemaran Kabut Asap Kebakaran Hutan di Indonesia | Corporations have become important actors in efforts to promote and implement environmental sustainability. This is true not only at the local level, but at the level of large multinational corporations. Such large corporations have already caused an effect on transnational pollution. Haze pollution that occurs almost every year in the ASEAN region is a disaster especially affecting Indonesia. This paper addresses the other side of forest fires in Indonesia, especially regarding the role of corporations in the creation of cross-border pollution. | 377-394 |
Fenomena Pemidanaan Kebijakan Dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan di Sumatera Barat | State officials are authorized by legislative regulation to make decisions / policies in accordance with the laws of the state administration. However, if the policy is not in accordance with legislation and regulations, and is detrimental to the state (government) in this city of Bukittinggi, then officials (Mavor) have acted beyond this authority and declared unlawful acts of corruption. | 395-412 |
Roles of the Mutual Legal Assistances and Extradition Agreements in the Assets Recovery in Indonesia | Perjanjian Internasional sangat dibutuhkan dalam melakukan upaya asset dari suatu tindak pidana yang dilarikan ke luar pengembaltan wilayah Republik Indonesia. Upaya-upaya perjanjian Internasional seperti perjanjian timbal balik atau Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) dan ekstradisi sangatlah membantu bukan hanya sekedar pengembalian asset tetapi juga pengembalian pelaku tindak pidana ke negara asal atau korban pelaku tindak pidana tersebut. Untuk dapat melaksanakan ketentuan dalam perjanjian MLA ataupun eksradisi juga menyangkut prinsip-prinsip hukum internasional yang berlaku sehubungan dengan perjanjian tersebut dan beberapa ketentuan-ketentuan yang diatur konvensi international seperti dalam Konvensi PBB tentang Pemberantasan Korupsi 2003 (UNCAC 2003). Selain ketentuan hukum internasional juga yang perlu adanya komitmen Bidang Daerah tertulis dan setiap negara untuk melakukan perjanjian MLA maupun ekstradisi sebagai perjanjian bilateral diantara negara untuk berkomitmen mengembalikan pelaku tindak pidana maupun hasil tindak pidana sebagai suatu yang harus dilakukan. | 413-434 |
Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan Sebagai Perangkat Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup | Environmental Management is one of the efforts to preserve and maintain the quality and supporting capacity of the environment. Act No. 32 of 2009 regarding Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup (Environmental Protection and Management) states that the purpose of environmental management is to protect humans and other living creatures from the threat of destruction and environmental pollution. Destruction and environmental pollution is a negative impact of business activities conducted by persons or companies. A company has a responsibility towards the environment and community. Article 74 Act No. 40 of 2007 regarding Perusahaan Terbatas (Limited Companies) mentions that corporate social responsibility is mandatory for such companies. Corporate social responsibility is an effort by the company to help and maintain the environment. | 435-456 |
New Mechanisms for the Creation of a Free Press in the 21st Century | Transformasi di media masa telah mengakibatkan terjadinya "denasionalisasi infomasi yang memberi dimensi baru dalam perdebatan tentang kebebasan bependapat dan mekanisme yang diperlukan untuk menjamin hak tersebut. Saat ini, masalah kebebasan pers tak pelak lagi telah menjadi masalah global. Untuk menciptakan kebebasan pers di dalam negeri disyaratkan adanya kebebasan pers dalam skala global. Terkait hal tersebut, mekanisme yang aeiaih memngkinkan sebagian kelompok masyarakat bisa bertahan sebagai eiompok yang bebas mungkin sudah tidak lagi memadai. Masalah global menuntut solusi global. Deklarasi Universal tentang Hak Asasi Manusia menjadi fondasi bagi kerangka kerja yang sifatnya global. Tantangannya adalah deklarasi tersebut masih miskin mekanisme dalam penerapannya.Meksipun dua mekanisme formal seperti yang tercantum dalam Pasal 40 dan 41 International Convention on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) memberi harapan, namun ternyata terbukti tidak seefektif yang diharapkan. Memang tak satu pun dari mekanisme ini yang memadai, namun harapan kita adalah bahwa mekanisme-mekanisme itu kalau digabungkan bisa berkontribusi pada pembentukan kerangka kerja global untuk menegakkan hak kebebasan berpendapat. Dibutuhkan beberapa dekade bagi sebagian negara - bahkan untuk menciptakan sistem yang mendukung -- termasuk Amerika Serikat lingkungan kebebasan berpendapat. Mungkin perlu waktu lama, atau bahkan lebih lama lagi, untuk menciptakan sistem global yang paralel. Dalam tulisan ini akan dielaborasi apa ada mekanisme untuk membuat kerangka kerja global yang akan menegakkan kebebasan pers yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh dunia saat ini. | 457-474 |