Law Review Volume XII, Nomor 2, November 2012

Informasi Detil

Volume XII, Nomor 2, November 2012
Penerbit Universitas Pelita Harapan : jakarta.,

Artikel Jurnal

Perlindungan Diplomatik Suatu Negara terhadap Warga Negaranya yang Berada di Luar Negeri Berdasarkan Hukum InternasionalIn the context of human security, the state has a great responsibility to protect their nationals. The rights over and duties of the state towards individuals subject to its jurisdiction in this regard are regulated not only in domestic law but also under international law. In the Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions Case, the Permanent Court of International Justice pronounced that a State is entitled to protect its citizens who are injured by acts contrary to international law committed by another state from whom they have been unable to obtain satisfaction through ordinary channels. This right to assert diplomatic protection flows from the right of consular access to individuals in a foreign state. This paper analyzes diplomatic protection by a state of its .citizens abroad under international law.149-170
Kebijakan Penanganan Pengungsi di Indonesia: Kajian dari Konvensi Pengungsi 1951 dan Protokol 1967The absence of law concerning refugees in Indonesia has caused weak coordination between related institutions in field. As a law-based country that highly appreciate human rights, ratification of The 1951 Refugee Convention and 1967 Protocol must be a priority. Both instruments are relevant, since the substance are not only heavily loaded with regulation about human rights but also in line with cultural values and norms in Indonesia. As such, the process of ratification needs to consider the countrys readiness, in terms of technical, political and legal aspects, since those aspects are sometimes challenging. On this matter, ratification is expected to narrow the gap between national and international instruments of law.171-192
Cabotage Principle pada Regulasi Jasa Angkutan di Dalam Perairan Indonesia dari Perspektif Sistem Perdagangan Multilateral WTO/GATSThe enforcement of Cabotage system stipulated in the Law 17 of 2008 on Shipping is an urgent need for the development and independence of national sea transport, the existance of Cabotage Principle is empowering national sea transport in the domestic marine transport activities. The implications of the implementation of Cabotage Principle for national sea transport would take effect for the development of a fleet of sea transport as well as increasing the share of cargo being served. In services trade, Indonesia is a member of the world trade organization (WTO) which adopted for the gradual liberalization to the era of free trade. The stipulation of the Cabotage Principle is part of the principles stipulated in the WTO/GATS on domestic regulation. Services trade principles stipulated in the WTO/GATS gives freedom to its members to enact domestic regulations in services provided for in Article 6 on domestic regulation, WTO/GATS guarantees basic rights the Government of Indonesia to regulate in order to achieve national goals. For that implementation of Cabotage Principle in Indonesias national legislation does not contradict with the provisions of the General Agreement for Trade in Services WTO / GATS.193-214
Remodelling ASEAN Contract Law: by Creating ASEAN's Own Contract Law or by Adoption the Unidroit PrinciplesASEAN memiliki potensi besar di bidang perdagangan internasional. Setelah berhasil memberikan kemajuan pada pertumbuhan ekonomi, kemajuan sosial, pengembangan budaya, perlindungan perdamaian dan stabilitas regional, Abstrak atara negara-negara anggotanya, merupakan langkah maju menuju dunia pendagangan global dan bordeless. Hal ini memberikan dampak kepada entua aspek komersial dan bisnis di Asia Tenggara. Hal ini juga memberikan nengaruh positif dalam masyarakat internasional. Karena ASEAN terdiri dari beberapa negara yang masing-masing pelukan atau setidaknya dipengaruhi oleh budaya sistem common law dan civil law, penggunaan hukum kontrak diadopsi berdasarkan pada satu atau lebih budaya hukum dapat menyebabkan perbedaan, dalam arti pemahaman yang berbeda dalam cara untuk menangani masalah kontrak yang selanjutnya dapat menyebabkan masalah untuk hubungan perdagangan itu sendiri dan aspek hukumnya. Makalah ini menggambarkan beberapa perbedaan dalam hukum kontrak yang berlaku di antara negara-negara anggota ASEAN, dengan fokus khusus pada negara- negara Singapura, Malaysia dan Indonesia. Makalah ini juga mencoba untuk menguji apakah ASEAN harus mengembangkan hukum kontrak sendiri atau mengacu pada prinsip-prinsip UNIDROIT diterima secara internasional, sebagai alternatif.215-240
Accelerating the Development of an ASEAN Competition CultureDi era ekonomi global sekarang ini isu persaingan menjadi penting dimana semakin terbukanya pasar antara Negara yang satu dengan dengan Negara Agres sang lain, hambatan masuk pasar antara suatu Negara dengan Negara vang lain semakin ditiadakan. Khsusus untuk Negara anggota ASEAN telah dibentuk ASEAN Free Trade Area pada tahun 2003 dan pada tahun 2015 dicanangkannya ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). Pembentukan free trade area dan single market akan mengarah kepada pasar bebas di antara Negara anggota ASEAN, Di dalam pasar bebas akan terjadi persaingan antara pelaku usaha yang satu dengan yang lain dari negara- negara anggota ASEAN. Pelaku usaha tidak boleh melakukan persaingan usaha yang tidak sehat diantara Negara-negara anggota ASEAN. Oleh karena itu budaya persaingan usaha yang sehat harus digalakkan di negara- negara anggota ASEAN. Beberapa negara anggota ASEAN telah mempunyai hukum persaingan usaha, seperti Indonesia, Singapura, Malaysia, Vietnam dan Thailand.241-254
Discourse on International Intellectual Property Standards That Are Relevant To Small and Medium Enterprises In Developing CountriesTrade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Agreement (TRIPS) telah menetapkan norma dan standar internasional perlindungan hak kekayaan intelektual (HKI). Norma dan standar internasional tersebut, kemudian, diadopsi menjadi hukum HKI di negara yang meratifikasinya. Sebagai sebuah hukum, standar internasional HKI tersebut mengikat dan berpengaruh terhadap semua pihak di negara tersebut, termasuk usaha kecil menengah (UKM). Dibandingkan dengan usaha besar, UKM memiliki banyak kelemahan dalam menjalankan standar internasional HKI tersebut. Di negara-negara berkembang yang kekurangan dukungan pemerintah dan memiliki infrastruktur hukum yang lemah, standar internasional HKI tersebut dapat menjadi sebuah beban. Tulisan ini membahas norma dan standar internasional HKI yang terdapat dalam TRIPS, yang relevan terhadap UKM di negara berkembang.255-270
Ketentuan Hukum Global yang Berdampak Nasional: Bagaimana Menghadapinya?The world has become so interlinked that it is now truly a global village. As such, common concerns have arisen which can no longer be effectively addressed by one single nation. National sovereignty and security issues such as terrorism, piracy, human trafficking and migrant labor pose a major threat to international peace and security. Likewise, corruption, money laundering and other forms of economic crimes have taken on a transnational character and their impacts have been felt across borders. This paper will address ways transform municipal legal systems to enable national governments to readily engage in international cooperation and global law-making to promote global peace and stability.271-290
Dampak Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia Nomor 46/PUU-viii/2010 Tentang Anak Luar Kawin Terhadap Perkembangan Hukum Perdata IndonesiaThe Constitutional Court Decision Number 46/PUU-VIII/2010 on children born out of wedlock has declared that Article 43 paragraph (1) of Law No. 1 Calam of 1974 on Marriage is contrary to the 1945 Constitution and does not have legal binding force insofar as it limits the legal relationship of the child with the mother. The Constitutional Court Decision thus effectively recognized the existence of civil relations between father and child as long as the fathers biological paternity can be proved by science and technology, or by any other means, or evidence under the law. This paper explores the legal and practical dan zeri implications and impacts of this decision on family relations. It finds that in view thereof, there is a need to clarify the decision or to enact further rules and regulations on the implementation of Article 43 paragraph (1) Marriage Act in order to avoid confusion among members of the family involved and an the community at large.291-314



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