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Ilmu Hukum S1

Krtha Bhayangkara Volume 1, Nomor 2, Mei 2008

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Volume 1, Nomor 2, Mei 2008
Penerbit Ubhara Press : jakarta.,

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Penerapan Hukum Terhadap Pelaksanaan Aborsi Perempuan Korban Perkosaan Di Tinjau Dari Perspektif Perbuatan Melawan Hukum Meteriil Fungsi NegatifAborsi Or abortion of non bizzare new matter and or, even is not considered to be by a matter digress, this proven with many/it entertain obstetrical abortionist there is tidy commercially which is of course given by the lable disguised, Because attitude of it is only formal attitude, hence contradiction or condemnation even also is only addressed to service of abortus formal, that is/conducted by formal worker (doctor, midwife, nurse) by using technology formal also. For doctor circle, cancellation of pregnancy which underway divided into 2 phase : aborsi and infentisid. action of Stop of pregnancy conceived of by aborsi of if conducted bybefore result of impregnation reach phase viable.1-14
Jaminan Fidusia Sebagai Jaminan KreditFiducia is transfer of proverty right object form creditor to debitor, where as the object is still belong to to the owner (debitor). If the object belong to creditor like in pawn, debitor could not been fulfill his duties because of the object can not be used as business anymore. Fiducial is an accessoir contract, where as the main contract is debt contract. If the main contract was over, fiducial as accessoir contract is also automatically over, because its function just to make sure for creditor that debitor will fulfill his duty inthe future. If debitor fails, fiducias object could be sold by creditor through action auction process for paying debitors debt.15-29
Perkawinan Adat Baduy Dikaitkan Dengan Undang-Undang No.1 Tahun 1974This Reseacrh aim to know how related/relevant of marriage of custom of Baduy by UU is no.1 of Year 1974, in this case punish Baduy go into effect in its own society, while by legitimasi is Indonesia have product punish National which is not weared or utilized by masyakat Baduy of In however, one side of people of Baduy of In by self know existence punish National and people of Baduy of In itself respect it. In order to collecting data of this research is used by method of research of bibliography and field research. After data of dikumpukan is later then analysed, beside use method analyse normatif, because this research always refer to /law going into effect. Result of research indicate that intention of nucleus core from marriage is equal to such in Law of no.1 of Year 1974, however traditionally their marriage is validity.30-51
Reorganisasi Perusahaan Dalam Perspektif UU. No. 4 Tahun. 1998 Tentang KepailitanThis economic crisis early with crisis of exchange rate that is weak it exchange rate of rupiah to currency of united states dollar. restructuring of company ofin so many form pemajakannya,. mentioned by that terperosoknya of exchange rate rupiah, at least have peeped out 3 (negative tiga) to national economy, also mention the happening of bankruptcy from company konglomerat.52-63
Pilihan Hukum para pihak dalam suatu kontrak Dagang InternasionalTechnology Progress and the communnications result economic activity shall no longger circles by State boundary. Phenomenon Regionalisme that happened in various world clefit these days, like ASEAN or Uni Europe bornedly it transaction of so-called by e-commerce. International trade have become backbone for State to become prosperous, secure and prosperous and the strength. Defrayal of international trade by letter L/C or organizable except that by other law system.64-73
Teknik Beracara di Pengadilan Agama (Tinjauan Perspektif Yudiris)To attend legal procedure in environment of compared to much more difficult Religion Court attend legal procedure in environment of General court and also other jurisdiction. This matter because of to attend legal procedure in Justice of Religion beside have to comprehend procedure of civil law, also have to master law of religion court event, and punish Islam process.74-83


JH00121051 A10 Vol.1 No.2 2008Kampus Bekasi (A10)Tersedia



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