Judul | Abstract | Halaman |
Mncermati Ratio Decidendi MK Dalam Putusan Nomor 122/PUU-VII/2009 Tentang Penderogasian Norma Hukum dan Sifat Putusan PTUN | Ratio decidendi of the Constitutional Court that said he was not an organ that has an authority to review constitutional rights loss of applicant, beside contrary to constitutional protection principles, also contrary to functions of the Constitutional Court as the guardian of the constitution, the protector of citizens constitutional rights dan the protector of human rights. The Constitutional Court should avoid to put his legal reasoning (in his ratio decidendi) that verdict of administrative court has not a legal nature - erga omnes. He should become aware that a administrative dispute is a public dispute bound under public law principles. | 1-12 |
Pemberhentian Jaksa Agung dan Hak Prerogatif Presiden | The rules of appointment and for dismissal for the attorney generals need to be regulated concretely in the law. It was not done solely by President but must be on the consideration of Parliament. Therefore, the implementation of its truly free from interference and political interests of President. Term of office of the of the Attorney General should be established with certainty to avoid multi-interpretations that would lead to legal uncertainty. | 13-40 |
Pelanggaran Sistematis, Terstruktur dan Masif: Suatu Sebab Pembatalan Kehendak Rakyat dalam Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Tahun 2010 | Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) memiliki kewenangan dalam penyelesaian perselisihan hasil pemilu kepala daerah (pemilukada). Kewenangan tersebut muncul setelah perubahan ketiga atas Undang-Undang Nomor. 32 Tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah (UU Pemda). Undang-Undang Nomor. 12 Tahun 2008 hasil perubahan UU Pemda secara eksplisit memberikan kewenangan kepada MK dalam penyelesaian perselisihan hasil pemilukada. Pasal 236 menyebutkan bahwa dengan diundangkannya UU No. 12 Tahun 2008 maka kewenangan Mahkamah Agung (MA) dalam menyelesaikan perselisihan hasil pemilukada diserahkan kepada MK. | 41-72 |
Pengujian Perppu Oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi | The authority to reviewing Perppu can not be obtained based on the interpretation of an institution or the situation that demanded the interpretation of a norm in the community, but must be strictly regulated in the constitution to the institution where authority was given, therefore there is no juridical chaos in it. | 73-92 |
Penguatan Demokrasi Lokal Melalui Penghapusan Jabatan Wakil Kepala Daerah | Democracy at the local level becoming a necessity for achieving the goals of regional authonomy. Furthermore, the strengthening of democracy at the local level being the significant pillar in strengthening democracy at the national level. The strategic step to consolidate democracy at the local level particulary in terms of the regional head elections is by elimination the position of deputy regional head. This paper is describes the problems about the circumtances after head local election specially the relationship between Regional Head and Deputy Regional Head along with the idea about the eliminationof the position of Deputy Regional Head. | 93-112 |
Pengujian Peraturan Perundang-Undangan dalam Sistem Peraturan Perundang-Undangan Indonesia | Pengertian Kata "Penguji" (toetsing/review) dalam konteks tulisan ini adalah pengujian undang-undang (UU) dalam arti luas yaitu dalam arti formal dan material, sedangkan pengujinya (lembaganya) tidak hanya lembaga peradilan saja melainkan juga lembaga legislatif dan/atau ekskutif. Khusus untuk mengetahui apa yang dimaksud dengan pengujian UU melalui lembaga peradilan (judicial review) kita lihat dalam Kamus Hukum. | 113-150 |
Menegaskan Kembali Komitmen Negara Hukum: Sebuah Catatan Atas Kecenderungan Defisit Negara Hukum di Indonesia | Bila dilacak akarnya, gagasan tentang negara hukum, adalah kelanjutan dari pemikiran tentang pembatasan kekuasaan, sebagai sealah satu prinsip dari konstitusionalisme-demokrasi. Inti dari pemikiran tentang negara hukum, adalah adanya pembatasan terhadap kekuasaan, melalui sebuah aturan yuridis--undang-uandang. Seperti diungkapkan Andrew Heywood, menurutnya dalam ruang lingkup yang sempit, konstitusionalisme dapat ditafsirkan sebatas penyelenggaraan negara yang dibatasi oleh undang-undang dasar--inti negara hukum. Artinya, suatu negara dapat dikatakan menganut paham konstitusionalisme jikalau lembaga-lembaga negara dan proses politik dalam negara tersebut secara efektif dibatasi oleh konstitusi. Sedangkan dalam pengertian yang luas, konstitusionalisme adalah perangkat nilai dan manifestasi dari aspirasi politik warganegara, yang merupakan cerminan dari keinginan untuk melindungi kebebasan, melalui sebuah mekanisme pengawasan, baik internal maupun eksternal terhadap kekuasaan pemerintahan (Heywood, 2002:297). | 151-174 |
Menimbang Gagasan Negara Hukum (Deliberatif) di Indonesia | In these recent yaers the idea of deliberative democracy appears as an alternative idea in the middle of discourse of democracys contest and configuration. Through its critics which are submitted into two dominant democratic traditions (also seeking to synthesize them), viz republicanism and liberal democracy, deliberative democracy makes serious efforts to pass theoretical tensions of those two democratic traditions over by formulating a communicative participation theory in an autonomous public sphere which whom is inclusive (multi-actors), free from pressures, discrimination and manipulation. Yet, the idea of deliberative democracy self if it is observed from many deliberation literatures and practices which are studied and implemented in many countries, it has at least two variants that are mutually exclusive. First, variants of impartialism which emphasize on normative prinsiples including the attitude and action to be inclusive, autonomous. | 175-198 |