Jurnal Yuridis Volume 11 Nomor 13, Juni 2011

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Volume 11 Nomor 13, Juni 2011
Penerbit Majalah Ilmiah FH UP \"Veteran\" Jakarta : jakarta.,

Artikel Jurnal

Kedudukan Hukum Dan Pembagian Waris Bagi Anak Angkat Menurut Hukum IslamThe status of adopted children in Indonesia with regard to their right of inheritance is still an unresolved problem due to the differing of legal relation between them and their asopting parent. According to some Customary Law, adopted chilldren are granted the same inheritance right as the biological childrenso they have the right to inherit from their deceased adopting parent. In some other Customary Law, adopted practice to Islamic Law which is recognized and implemented by most Muslim in Indonesia. The introduction of the Compilation of Islamic Law has been a significant breathrough which regulates the recognition of the right of inheritance of adopted childrem utilizing the scheme of "Wasiat Wajibah". According to the Wasiat Wajibah scheme, adopted children are entitled to inherit no more than 1/3 (one third) of the total inheritance. The settlement of disputes regarding the matter becomes the jurisdiction of the Islamic court.1-17
Optimalisasi Penegakan Hukum Tindak Pidana Pencucian UangOne cause of the ineffestiveness of money laundering law onforcements i sthe weakness of Law Number 25 Year 2003 elements and its implementation. It is expected that the enactment of newe Law Number 8 Year 2010 will give the good result for law enforcement of money laundering. This law can be effective if there are the improvement of professionalism, integrity and commitment of law enforcement officers. It deals with the similarity perception, coordination and synergy of law enforcment officers in order to fight money laundering. It is also important to note that the commitment and political will of government to enforce the law consistenly and without discrimination.18-31
Kepemilikan Saham Silang Menurut UU No. 5 Tahun 1999The laws no. 5, 1999 about the prohibition of monipoly practice and unfair business competition does not clearly discuss about share cross ownership, but only talks about share ownership for businees practitioners ; but articles 27 states two perspectives to determine whether there is share cross ownership, two perspectives are minimalize and maximalize perspective. Therefore the proff test are needed to the cases related to share cross ownership, because the nature of the cases are based on rule of reasonwhich needs to be proven that the actions leads to the social loss.32-45
Perjanjian Kredit Yang Melibatkan Pihak Ketiga (Penanggung) Yang Meninggal DuniaIn the credit agreement, other than the the creditor and the debitor is other party as the person in debt debitor . In the case of debitor defauld insurer has the privilege with the existence of this privilage if the debitor is in arrears is not directly. Burdened with the obligation to pay off debts of debitors but can ask the creditor to implement first sizure and sale of property belonging to the debtor as a debt repayment.46-70
Berbagi Peran Dalam Melindungi Anak: Analisis Atas Undang-Undang RI No. 23 Tahun 2002 Tentang Perlindungan AnakThe Authors is interested raise this topic, due to the fact of numerous parents children dispute cases where children are seeking for their rights to be recognized by parents. These particular cases have becoming a public concern where from the norms pont of view, parent - children disputes are not supposed to be a public consumption. However, this problem is becoming a lesson - learnt for parent, without live up their role for the children according to the prevailing law on child protection.71-80
Gerakan Studi Hukum Kritis Sebagai Paradigma Mewujudkan Keadilan Di IndonesiaThe law in Indonesia is the positivisual law. The law that emphasizes the logislation or prosedural justice, wich is sometimes applied different circumtanses that exist in sociaety. Given the critical legal studies movement, wich is famous for its conception of responsive law/progresive from Sutjipto Raharjo, then the originally law, turn in to dynamic static.81-95



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