Visipustaka, Volume 23 Nomor 1 April 2021

Informasi Detil

Vol. 23, No. 1, April 2021
Penerbit Pusat Jasa Perpustakaan dan Informasi, Perpustakaan Nasional RI : jakarta.,

Artikel Jurnal

EVALUASI PEMANFAATAN FITUR PERPANJANGAN MANDIRI SLIMS MENGGUNAKAN METODE DEBUGGINGIntroduction. The Self-service Extension feature is one of the innovations developed by SLiMS community since 2015. Its function is to facilitate users in extending the loan period of borrowed books by themselves.  Purpose and Method. This study aims to evaluate the performance of the Self-service Extension feature using debugging(error tracking) method by connecting symptoms and causes of errors.  Results and Discussion. The results found several weaknesses.This module cannot run properly if the number of loan extensions is set more than once, and information on the amount of fines displayed does not count Sundays as holidays, so the penalty rate displayed exceeds the amount that should be paid. From this study it can be concludedthat the use of the debugging method is quite effective in tracking errors (bugs) on modules with simple program code, such as the Self-service Extension feature. After repairs, the feature can run as it should according to the rules set by its parent application, SLiMS. Its function can be maximized in helping facilitate library users to extend the period of borrowed books online, as well as to see information on the amount of fines to be paid.5-14
Pendayagunaan Repositori Kementerian Pertanian Dalam Mendukung Akses Terbuka Informasi Iptek Pertanian IndonesiaManagement of agricultural science and technology information in the form of an Institutional Repository is one of the efforts of PUSTAKA as the deposit center of the Ministry of Agriculture publications. The purpose of the study is to determine the utilization of the Ministry of Agriculture repository in supporting open access to information on Indonesian Agricultural Science and Technology. The assessment was carried out through direct observation on the Ministry of Agriculture web repository, from April 14, 2020. Results and Discussion. The results of the study suggested that the average number of users of the repository was 3.000 users/day.The highest number of users was April 14, 2020, which was 3.800 users/day, while the lowest number of users was April 10, 2020, which was 2.800 users/day. The total number of users presented on the user graph for 2 weeks was 44.698. The country of origin for most users accessing the repository of the Ministry of Agriculture is Indonesia. As much as 2.75% users performed the web searchusing BPTP Jateng (Central Java) as keywords.15-22
Pengaruh Psikologis Selama WFH Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Pustakawan di Lingkungan PDDI-LIPIThis suggests that there are other factors that affect librarians productivity apart from psychological conditions during WFH. In order to maintain the psychological condition and productivity of LIPI librarians during WFH, the policy should be followed up with regular communication and monitoring from management to subordinates to control the librarians work targets. Psychological support such as trust from the leaders is necessary as it greatly controls the effectiveness of working remotely and the balance between work and personal life of the librarians.23-32
Analisis Minat Menjadi Pustakawan Pada Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir Angkatan 2014-2016 Program Studi Ilmu Peppustakaan Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah PalembangPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui minat menjadi pustakawan pada mahasiswa tingkat akhir angkatan 2014-2016 program studi Ilmu Perpustakaan UIN Raden Fatah Palembang. Metode yang digunakan dalam menganalisa data penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dan pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan instrumen penelitian yaitu kuesioner. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu mahasiswa tingkat akhir angkatan 2014-2016 program studi ilmu perpustakaan Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan yaitu purposive sampling. Teori yang digunakan untuk mengukur minat dalam penelitian ini adalah 3 faktor yang mempengaruhi minat dari Crow & Crow, yaitu: faktor rangsangan dari dalam (The factor inner urge), factor motive sosial (Factor of social motive), dan faktor emosi (Emotional factor). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi minat menjadi pustakawan pada mahasiswa tingkat akhir angkatan 2014-2016 program studi ilmu perpustakaan UIN Raden Fatah Palembang termasuk dalam kategori tinggi yaitu 4,09.33-42
Analisis Usability Situs Web Vocabulary Control Nusantara Menggunakan Metode WebuseVocabulary Control Nusantara Website is a voluntary movement that focused work on developing the index language automation system web-based, which is everyone can contribute to the development of site content. From the beginning of the movement until now Vocabulary Control Nusantara Website still in the development stage and no assessment evaluates the level of usability of the website. Therefore, usability analysis is needed to measure the level usability of the Vocabulary Control Nusantara Website and also to predict the potential benefits which will be obtained later when this movement complete. This study does a usability analysis on the homepage and backend page of the Vocabulary Control Nusantara Website by using the WEBUSE method to measure how good the level usability website. The analysis results show on the homepage page get the level usability “Goodâ€, although there are two categories on the backend page which gets the level usability Moderate. Besides, there are some unsolved problems that are recommended to further testing and implementation redesign websites.43-56
Perbedaan Motif Penggunaan Buku Langka Tercetak Di Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia Berdasarkan GenderThe motives for the use of media are different, one of the factors is gender. This study aims to see the motives for using printed rare books in the National Library of Indonesia and whether there is a different motive for using printed rare books between men and women. The population of this research is active e-mail users, registered members of the National Library of Indonesia, and who have read printed rare books. This type of research is quantitative using the Uses and Gratification method. The sample size is 75 respondents. The sampling technique used was proportional stratified random sampling. Based on the results of the analysis, there are 4 motives for using printed rare books, namely Information Motive, Personal Identity Motive, Integrity Motive and Social Interaction, and Entertainment Motive. The total results show that the most dominant motive for using rare books printed in the National Library of Indonesia is information on motives, with a proportion of 87% and 83% to satisfy their curiosity and to learn about events and environmental conditions after reading printed rare books. The lowest motive is the personal identity motive with a proportion of 70% and 67% to adapt the behavior and behavior values obtained when reading rare books printed in everyday life and ready to see information about events or environmental conditions in the past, latest or rare. The results of hypothesis testing show that H1 is rejected and H0 is accepted with a sig > 0.05, namely 0.869 > 0.05, so it can be said that there is no difference in motives for using rare books in the National Library of Indonesia between men and women.57-66
Kolaborasi Pustakawan Dalam Pengambilan Keputusan Klinis Berbasis Bukti Terkini (Evidence Based Medicine ): Studi Kasus Di Fakultas Kedokteran, Kesehatan Masyarakat Dan Keperawatan Universitas Gadjah Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) merupakan pemanfaatan bukti ilmiah berdasarkan penelitian klinis mutakhir yang sahih dalam tatalaksana proses penyembuhan penyakit. Salah satu syarat utama untuk memfasilitasi pengambilan keputusan klinik yang evidence-based, adalah dengan menyediakan bukti-bukti ilmiah yang relevan. Tipe kajian diutamakan yang berupa hasil review sistematik, meta-analisis, dan randomised controlled trial (RCT). Salah satu dari lima langkah dalam evidence based medicine yaitu yaitu menelusur bukti dari sumber database hasil penelitian yang memuat bukti-bukti ilmiah. PubMed Clinical Queries dan The Cochrane Library merupakan database berisi hasil riset sekunder (systematic-review/meta-analysis) yang mensintesis hasil riset primer. Kolaborasi pustakawan dalam pengambilan keputusan klinis yaitu dengan memberikan pelatihan atau menelusur artikel hasil penelitian yang akan digunakan dalam pengambilan klinis dari database yang memuat bukti ilmiah.67-75

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