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Jurnal Manajemen Volume 14, Nomor 1, Februari 2010

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Volume 14, Nomor 1, Februari 2010
Penerbit Universitas Tarumanegara : jakarta.,

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Pengaruh Struktur Kepemilikan , Pertumbuhan Perusahaan, Volatilitas Pendapatan, Dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Kebijakan Dividen, Struktur Modal, Dan Kinerja Emiten Terbaik.Financial condition of firms is one of the main concerns of investor in a capital market. At present, Investor does not need to calculate and analyze listed company performance himself. One of magazines which informs listed company performance is Majalah Investor. One of the information is the 100 best listed companies annual of JSX. Rank of the best listed company changed annually, and it is needed to be analyzed for investigating which factors influence listed companies to become the best listed companies rank.The research employs 37 listed companies from the 100 best listed companies Majalah Investor’s version. This research used survey on 37 listed companies which based on purposive sampling technique. This dissertation attempts to investigate interdependence mechanism among ownership structure, size, growth and earnings volatility to capital structure , dividend policy, and performance. The research considers interrelationship between capital structure, and dividend policy, it will be tested using two-stages least squares (TSLS). Six exogenous variables are employed in a simultaneous equation: managerial ownership, institutional ownership, dispersion ownership, size, and growth. The research findings can be summarized as follows. First, all exogenous variables have significant effect on endogenous variables, except growth. Second, Performance of the firm partially and simultaneously are influenced by capital structure, dividend policy, and earnings volatility . The 100 best listed companies reported by Majalah Investor for 2004 – 2005 , indicate that abnormal return for 10 days before and after announcement of report is not a significant influence. Market does not give any significant reaction to the announcement.1-15
Analisis Pengaruh Keseluruhan Citra terhadap Ketertarikan Mengunjungi Ritel Moderen Berdasarkan Persepsi KonsumenThe focus of this study is the linking of consumer perception on store image attributes to consumer interest of Hypermarket. Using convenience sampling method with 140 respondents, the findings show how modern retailers such as Hypermart, Carrefour, and Giant act to compete each other and which strategy they should be develop. Modern retailers need to identify the unique service with a bundle of value that strengthening their positoning. The researcher also suggests that would be better for modem retailers create certain store attributes different from others to obtain consumer interest, because nowadays they facing the dynamic competition in turbulent market.16 - 30
Analisa Pengaruh Pesan Iklan, Model Iklan, dan Cerita Iklan terhadap Persepsi Pelanggan (Studi Pada Iklan XL Bebas Versi Nggak Usah Mikir)The competition in telecommunication business has increased significantly due to many products produced by telecommunication companies. PT. Excelcomindo Pratama is the first private telecommunication service provider in Indonesia which promotes XL BEBAS as the cheapest in the industry. This research is aimed to analyse the antecedents of perception toward the ads of XL BEBAS, i.e. message of the ads, model of the ads, and story of the ads. 200 respondents are taken for this research using purposive sampling. The results show that message of the ads and story of the ads significantly influence perception toward the ads of XL BEBAS. On the other hand, the model of the ads does not significantly influence perception toward the ads of XL BEBAS. Furthermore, perception toward the ads significantly influences intention to purchase.31 - 45
Analisis Capital Structure pada Perusahaan Sektor Plastik dan Kemasan di Bursa Efek IndonesiaThis research examines the relationship between size growth, sales growth, earning growth and capital structure of listed companies in plastic and packaging sector in Indonesia Stock Exchange. The research uses combined data, which consists of time series with cross section or known as panel data. Final result indicates that size growth influences capital structure positively and significantly. Beside that sales growth and earning growth do not influence capital structure significantly.46 - 56
Peranan Stressor dalam Menentukan Tingkat Stress Kerja yang Dimoderasi oleh Tipe Kepribadian dan pengaruhnya terhadap Kinerja (Survey pada Pimpinan Bank Perkreditan Rakyat)The purpose of this research is to know diskription of stressor, type of personality; degree of working stress; performance; and the significance of stressor roles in determining degree of working stress, partially and simultaneously, with modernized by type of personality and its effect on performance To answer the purpose of this research the descriptive and verification analysis with a regression analysis as their analysis instrument are conducted. This research is carried out to 65 persons of the manager Bank Perkreditan Rakyat who are supervised and controlled by KBI Bandung, where the sampling technique is carried out by stratified proportional random sampling. The results of this research conclude that the stressors have a positive role on working stress level, both partially and simultaneously, with modernized by type of personality. Whereas working stress level has a negative influence on performance.57 - 66
Pengaruh Tingkat Bunga, Inflasi, Nilai Tukar, Leverage, Aktivitas dan Profitabilitas terhadap Kinerja Saham Sektor Perusahaan Makanan dan Minuman di Bursa Efek IndonesiaThis research aim to examine influence of the financial ratios and macroeconomic forces to the return of stock investment. These independent variables are: Return on Total Asset (ROA), Debt to Equity (DER), Net Income to Total Asset (profitability), Interest rate, Exchange Rate and Inflation rate and dependent variable is Return of Stock Investment. This research focuses on 13 food and beverage companies that listing in Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2003-2008. By multiregression analysis with using SPSS 16 showing that both of partial and simultaneous examination these independent variables influence the return of stock investment of food and beverage companies. The result showed that (1) Leverage ratio, Activity ratio and Profitability ratio have positive influence amounting to 0,3 %, 3,1 % and 1,8 % respectively; (2) Interest rate and Inflation rate have negative influence which reaches respectively, 125,5 % and 138,1 % and (3) Rupiah exchange rate against US dollar has no significance to Food and Beverages Stock return the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) secondary market; (4) Simultaneus influence of the six independent variables are significance at a = 5 %. It can be concluded that Food and Beverages Stock Return is influenced by Interest rate, Inflation rate, Leverage ratio, Activity ratio and Profitability ratio.67 - 81
Mencegah Terjadinya Kerugian Investasi Forex Online Trading (Analisis Positioning Produk Investasi Forex Online Trading)The development of communication technology - especially internet - have made investment easier to be done. Foreign exchange online trading (FOT) is one of investment instrument become popular, but its risk too high. Understanding the position of FOT among other investment instruments will reduce the risk. Using multidimensional scaling, this research determines the position. Most investors see FOT more like stocks.82 - 96
Efisiensi Biaya Transportasi Melalui Pendekatan Metode Transportasitransportation is one of the important operational activity. It is also inseparable from country economic activity, because its function is needed to support the national development by allocating its production factors fairly and optimally. The main problem in product distribution is how to transfer one product to its destination at minimal cost. Transportation strategy is needed to solve this problem. There are two solutions in this method: beginning and optimal solution. Beginning solution is used to fill empty cells that has been adjusted to its total capacity and needs. However, this beginning solution has three methods: north-west corner, least cost, and vogel approximation method (VAM). Using the beginning method does not guarantee that the achieved result is a minimum transportation cost. Therefore, the results needs to be tested until it reaches the optimum solution. There are two methods to reach the optimum solution: stepping stones and modified distribution method (MODI)97 - 107
Pengaruh Kemampuan Interpersonal dan Kedewasaan Emosional terhadap Daya Usaha ManajerResult of this study higlight the importance of human resources manager and trainer assesing the interpersonal skill and emosional maturity of new recruits and enhancing the interpersonal skill of the exixting managerial workforce. The powerprenurial style of the manager is projected to play an increasingly important role in the deregulated finance sector, currently, the manager, who can best be discrible as a corporate entrepreneur, cuuld well evolve into an independent entrepreneur under a franchise hotel system. Path analysis was used to investigate the enterrelationships among the three competency factor for a manager. Emotional maturity and interpersonal skill are modelled as inpacting on powerpreneurial style. All the hypothesised effects were supported by decomposition of the zero order correlation.108 - 115
Peranan Pasar Derivatif dalam Manajemen Risiko Keuangan Studi Kasus Departemen Keuangan RIA derivative is a financial instrument that is derived from some other asset, index, event, value or condition (known as the underlying asset). Rather than trade or exchange the underlying asset itself, derivative traders enter into an agreement to exchange cash or assets over time based on the underlying asset. A simple example is a futures contract: an agreement to exchange the underlying asset at a future date Derivatives are often leveraged, such that a small movement in the underlying value can cause a large difference in the value of the derivative. Derivatives can be used by investors to speculate and to make a profit if the value of the underlying moves the way they expect (e.g. moves in a given direction, stays in or out of a specified range, reaches a certain level). Alternatively, traders can use derivatives to hedge or mitigate risk in the underlying, by entering into a derivative contract whose value moves in the opposite direction to their underlying position and cancels part or all of it out.116 - 124


JE00001051-C1 -Vol.14, No.1, 2010Kampus Bekasi (C1)Tersedia
JE00002051-C1 -Vol.14, No.1, 2010Kampus Bekasi (C1)Tersedia
JE00003051-C1 -Vol.14, No.1, 2010Kampus Bekasi (C1)Tersedia



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