Judul | Abstract | Halaman |
Keterkaitan Perception of External Environmental Uncertainly terhadap Intention to Continue | This research is observing about the Perception of external environmental uncertainty to Perceived alternatives, and then Perceived alternatives to Satisfaction, and then Satisfaction to Intention to continue. Data was gathered by spreading the questionnaires to 130 respondents who manager from service industry to using provider mobile phone. The sampling technique was using a Purposive sampling. The analysis tool used was Structural Equation Modelling using Amos version 16 software. The hypothesis testing result shows that Perception of external environmental uncertainty has a negative effect to Perceived alternatives, and Perceived alternatives has a negative effect to Satisfaction, later Satisfaction has a positive effect to Intentions to continue. It is hoped for the next research to explore another services industry beside and also adds another variable which also has an effect to the variables observed by this research. | 248 - 260 |
Pengaruh Reinforcement Learning dan Risk Aversion terhadap Pengambilan Keputusan Investasi Investor | What can an investor learn from personal experimentation with stock?. The impact of personally experienced investment outcomes on future action tell us something important about how investors learn. Reinforcement Learning (RL) theory predict that personally experienced outcome have a greather effect on behavior than just reading about some information without personal involvement. In this research besides RL we add one variable that have greather effect to in investment. This variable is Risk Aversion (RA). In uncertainty conditions investor usually use their risk preference to make investment.It is threre for interesting to know the interaction between RL and RA for decision making in investment It is experimental research with factorial design (Two Way Anova) which combines both between and within subject design. The sample of subjects in this research are 60 students of the undergraduate program Faculty of Economics at Satya Wacana Christian University majoring in management and accounting who have already taken financial management and Portfolio courses. In addition, those subjects have not yet invested in real capital market. The result of the research shows that past experienced has greather effect on investment in the future. This behavior is consistent with RL theory. Whereas RA has no effect on investment, with the result that no interaction between RL and RA in future decision making in investment. | 261 - 274 |
Pengaruh Profit profitabilitas, Aktivitas dan Likuiditas terhadap Capital Structure Perusahaan dalam Industri Barang Konsumsi | This research examines the relationship between profitability, activity, liquidity and capital structure of listed companies in consumer goods industry sector in Indonesia Stock Exchange. The research used combined data, which consists of time series with cross section or known as panel data. Final result indicates that profitability influences capital structure positively and significantly. Beside that activity and liquidity influence capital structure negatively but not significantly. | 275 - 283 |
Economic Value Added, Market Value Added, Struktur Modal dan Persepsi Pasar PT Timah, Tbk | This study use financial ratio and trend analysis about long-term performance of PT Timah (Persero), Tbk (TINS) as one of leading mining company at Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The main financial data sources for this study are the audited annual reports of TINS. The analysis focused on 2002-2008 period and interested in return volatility, compound annual growth rate (CAGR), sales and net income, profitability, economic value added, capital structure and degree of combined leverage, total assets turnover, market value added and market risk. This research also use growth value matrix to analysis the market perception of TINS in 2008 that combined current performance with future growth opportunity. The findings of the study informed that CAGR 2002-2008 of TINS for Sales (33,75%), Operating Profit (102,03%), Net income (121,79), Total Equity (17,02%) and Total Assets (19,97%). During 2002-2007, Debt to Assets ratio of TINS fluctuated around 33-51%. This DAR ratio indicated that TINS was financially healthy especially from 2002 to 2008. Market value added TINS not increased significantly 2002-2008. However, the results of market perception analysis find that TINS has very good current performance index but the future growth opportunity index is just average level. This study aimed to allows investors to buy this stock and inform how to analyse corporate fundamental performance. This stock is recommended to buy with momentum investing strategy. | 284 - 295 |
Pengaruh Kebanggaan, Kepercayaan, Kualitas Layanan dan Nilai Pelanggan terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen dan Perilaku Membeli Ulang Wanita Karir di Pasar Swalayan Manado | This study aims to test the influence of the pride, trust, service quality, and customer value to wards repurchase behavior which is mediated by customer satisfaction. The population of the study was all supermarketcustomer. The sampel is 150 customers which taken by accidental sampling. The data were collected trought questionnaere. The data were analyzed by using structural equation modeling (SEM). This study results a finding that the pride, trust, service quality, and customer value, will lead the repurchase behavior through customer satisfaction. The result indicated that the pride, trust, service quality, and customer value influence directly, no significantly and positively to repurchase behavior, conversely influences directly positively and significantly to customer satisfaction. The result indicated the pride, service cuality, and customer value influence directly, no significantly to repurchase behavior conversely influence directly positively and significantly to customer satisfaction. Trust has significan influence to customer behavior, but has no significant influence to customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction has significan influence to repurchase behavior. | 296 - 307 |
Analisa Pengaruh Retailing Mix terhadap Intensi Pembelian Baju Batik | Batik becomes popular and famous trend in Indonesia which finally attracts many consumers. This phenomenon has created a positive effect on batiks development in Indonesia whereas big industries and small medium enterprises get many advantages from this. For retailers, they have to deliver superior customer value for consumers by creating an appropriate retailing mix. This is crucial to create a competitive advantage for retailers. Retailing mix is important because it will create any convenience for consumers when they make purchases. The purpose of this study is to analyze the application of retailing mix in stimulating intention to purchase on local Batiks retailer in Salatiga, Central Java. There are 150 respondents which are taken for the purpose of this research. We use accidental sampling method to obtain respondents. Data were analyzed using regression analysis. The data shows that convenience, variability, and service do not significantly influence intention to buy. On the other hand, quality, price, and store attractiveness significantly influence intention to buy. | 308 - 318 |
Manajemen Sumberdaya Manusia untuk Perantau Minangkabau melalui Proses Pewarisan "Embedded Skills" | The objective of this research is to describe a human resources management in the organizational culture, leadership and embedded skills bequeathed process, cultural internalization of Minangkabau migrants. This ethnography focuses on the analysis of domain, taxonomy, component and cultural themes. From the data analysis it was found that the Minangkabau migrants practiced cultural and training as a human resources management the economically strong ones.
The research findings indicate the following matters: first, the planning new migrants process, in the organizational culture through value and behavior of Minangkabau migrants. Second, the recruiting new migrants process of Minangkabau migrants, through initiatives and power. Third, the selecting new migrants process, through decision making was based on community agreement. Forth, the training new migrants process, through bequeathed embedded skills of Minangkabau migrants were developed in the partnership, internship and organizational system as educational management activity. Fifth, the developing new migrants process, cultural internalization was formed entrepreneurship. | 319 - 329 |
Pengaruh Tingkat Inflasi, Suku Bunga SBI, dan Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Average terhadap Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) di Bursa Efek Indonesia | The price of stock is not only infuenced by companies internal factor but also external factor. Market risk is one of risk that must investor encounter. Market risk depend on macro economic condition, such as change of inflation and interest rate. The effect of global market, such as Dow Jones Industrial Average Index can also influence market risk. Therefore, this article examine the effect of inflation rate, SBI rate, and Dow Jones Industrial Index to IHSG index. This research consist of independen variable, such as inflation rate, SBI rate, and Dow Jones Industrial Average index, and dependen variable, IHSG. Data analysis technique is multiple regression analysis. The conditional test for multiple regression shows that all of data fulfill the multiple regression requirement, and the testing of multiple linier regression model conclude that the inflation rate, SBI rate, and Dow Jones Industrial Average index are affecting the IHSG. | 330 - 342 |
Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Loyalitas Melalui Pemasaran Relasional dan Kepuasan Nasabah BNI Cabang Sumbawa | Bank as financial institution has important role for country economy. Bank industry and other financial institutions deal with the harsh and complex competition. As a result the competition becomes harder and the condition is worsened by the foreign banks that include themselves in the competition of getting the customers. The competitive advantage in financial institutions emphasizes trust and loyalty from the customers. Service quality can be used as measurement in achieving competitive advantage. Good service quality can improve customer loyalty and becomes reliable strategy to attract new customers. The research took place in BNI Bank (Sumbawa Branch) with population of 57,758 customers and sample of 160 people. The sample is taken by using proportional random sampling technique. The research variables consist of service quality (tangible, reliable, responsiveness, assurance, empathy) as exogenous variable, bank-customer relationship (harmony, acceptance, participation, simplicity), satisfaction (the entire service, comparison between financial service with other services, the intention to get similar service) and loyalty (trust, psychological commitment, switching cost, word-of-mouth, cooperation) as endogenous variables. The data analysis used to prove the correlation among constructs uses structural equation modeling (SEM). The research concludes that the relationship marketing can be improved by providing good service quality. Good service quality and relationship with customers will be able to improve customer satisfaction. Customer loyalty will be shaped if customer gets high satisfaction and bank is able to provide good service and build good relationship. | 343 - 355 |
Panduan Bidang Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Mendirikan Usaha Baru | Human resource activities are those action taken to provide and maintain an appropriate work force for the organization. They simply focus upon the activities that are most important to their organization.
For building e new organization, attempts are made to estimate the organizations human resource needs through an activity called human resource planning. One element of it is design a job analysis. With an idea of needs, recruitment seeks to secure job applicants to fill those needs. The result is a pool of applicants who are screened through a selection process. The process chooses those people who meet the needs determined by human resource planning. And other activity that is really need to be concerned for retaining and maintaining an effective work force is compensation planning or remuneration package in the form of wages, salaries or incentives for the employee. Employees must be paid a fair wage or salary relative to their productive contribution.
Those activities are the first steps should be concerned and planned by people who will build and run the new business. | 356 - 367 |