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Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Volume 3, Nomor 1, April - Juli 2010

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Volume 3, Nomor 1, April - Juli 2010
Penerbit Prasetya Mulya Business School : jakarta.,
1979 - 2964

Artikellllll Jurnal

The Effect of Satisfaction on Behavioral Intentions (A Study on Consumer Behavior of Car Insurance Consumers in Melbourne, Australia)It has often been argued that customer satisfaction can contribute signifcantly to a companys success in a variety of ways. This research aims to investigate the efect of customer satisfaction on behavioural intentions. Two determinants of behavioral intentions examined in this study namely repurchase intentions and positive word-of-mouth communication. The model has been tested using surveyed data from 546 car insurance consumers in Melbourne, Australia. The empirical results of this study show that the higher the level of satisfaction, the higher the consumers intentions to repurchase and inform positive information about the purchased product and company to other people. This means that the more satisfed the consumers the more likely they are to repurchase car insurance from the same company and more likely to do positive word-of-mouth communication. Thus, behavioral intentions expressed by consumers depend on their levels of satisfaction. Hence, the company might maintain their existing customers and attract new consumers to achieve better fnancial performance. Discussion and managerial implications are provided based on research results.1 - 16
Pengaruh Desain Atmosfer Toko terhadap Perilaku Belanja (Studi atas Pengaruh Gender terhadap Respon Pengunjung Toko)The design of store atmosphere shall function as kind of stimuli that will attract the visitor to decide which store to choose. Further, it is aimed to evoke the desire of customers to purchase and create transaction. Thus, it can directly afect the shopping behaviour of both men and women. This study will learn about how the atmospheric stimuli can afect the behaviour of visitor, both men and women. The study is divided into two stages: the frst stage, exploratory research design; the second stage, path analysis. The exploration or identifcation attributes is done through interview according to the attributes of atmospheric stimuli (Turley and Milliman). While the endogenous variable in this case are the organism (visitor) and respond (of visitor). Atmospheric stimuli factors, in the other hand shall function as exogenous variables. While the result of the study conducted to 107 respondents of men and women shows that store exterior, interior lay out and human variables are siginifcant to the variable of cn sumber respons. Store exterior, store interior have such a siginifcant efect on the organism (the emotional intensity of male visitor). Organism variable has an efect on the responds of male visitors, while store interior variable only afect siginifcantly on the organism of female visitor (the emotional intensity of female visitors).17 - 32
Expected Return dan Risiko (Pengujian Consumption-Based Capital Asset Pricing Model (CCAPM)) Pasar Saham Indonesia)The aim of the study is to assess the positive relation between expected return of asset or portofolio with its consumption beta, using consumption-based capital asset pricing model (CCAPM) (Breden, 1979) in Indonesia Stock Exchange market. Hypothesis testing in this research utilizing two-step econometric models: first pass regression and second pass regression. Based on the test, there is no linear and positive relation between expected return and consumption beta. The results suggest the limited correlation between the aggregate of consumption level and historical return movement. The research does not support CCAPM theory. The results indicate another factor aside from consumption in determining stock exchange return. It shows the fact that the small proportion of investor compared to the population of the country afects how the consumption data should be interpreted carefully since the data refect more on non-investor consumer consumption.33 - 52
Prediksi Arus Kas Bebas, Kebijakan Utang, dan Profitabilitas terhadap Kemungkinan Dibayarkannya Dividen (Studi Empirik pada Emiten Pembentuk Indeks Kompas 100 di Bursa Efek Indonesia)The aim of this research is to know the prediction of some explanatory factors that impact on probability of public company to divide earnings to investor and fnd the accuracy rate to classify public company become two group based on some explanatory factor. First group is dividend payers company, and second group is non-dividend payers company. Some explanatory factors that we used are free cash fow, debt policy, and proftability. We employ logistic regression model as data analysis method. Our sample is taken from the Kompas 100 Index constituent public company in 2007. The results point out both debt policy and proftability are positively relationship with dividend policy and free cash fow has no signifcant relationship with dividend policy. In addition, the accuracy of all factors that used to classify both dividend payers company group and dividend non-payers company group are 69%.53 - 74
Gagalkah Transjakarta? (Kajian Layanan pada Sistem Angkutan Cepat Massal Transjakarta)The research aimed to study the busway users understanding, attitude, and behavior toward the quality of TransJakarta service, in order to provide alternative solution over the complexity of massive transportation problems in DKI Jakarta, as the capital city of Indonesia. In addition, the research presented some inputs to overcome the transportation problems in Jakarta that can be used as points of evaluation for other cities in Indonesia which have prepared or are preparing to make use of bus rapid transit system. The research was focused on the quality of TransJakarta service, and identifed the necessary atributes to produce an optimum public service qualityas a part of social engineering study on massive transport system. The analysis used Service Quality (SERVQUAL) dan Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) concepts, done through surveys on 450 respondents on eight busway corridors. The result showed that the users of TransJakarta value most the dimension of empathy and quite the reverse value worst the dimension of tangible. The data showed that empathy is the dimension in which service quality is considered most likely improved. While other dimensions, especially the dimensions of tangible, responsiveness and assurance are considered already given, since the TransJakarta users regard them as being outside the management limit of Public Service Board of TransJakarta.75 - 98
Kebutuhan dan Struktur Kelembagaan Rantai Pasok Buah Manggis (Studi Kasus Rantai Pasok di Kabupaten Bogor)Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) is the highly demanded fruit for export commodity from Indonesia. The biggest mangosteen production center in Indonesia is West Java Province that includes Purwakarta, Subang, Bogor, and Tasikmalaya contributing 90% of mangosteen production in West Java Province and 29% of national mangosteen production. The activities of mangosteen production in West Java Province have not been efcient yet, so the potential source of the fruit in West Java Province is not efcient enough to compete internationally. In order to have competitive advantages, supply chain management in mangosteen business was initiated in Bogor district in 2007 which integrated processes from receiving raw material to selling fnished products. Needs identifcation and institutional structure in emerging supply chain of mangosteen in Bogor District were necessary to be carried out to improve the efciency and efectiveness of the chain to achieve its objectives. In running its business processes, the member of thhain will be linked between each other. Supply chain needs will also be linked with each other. In this study, Intepretative Structural Modeling was used to describe the relationship between needs of the chain and relationships among the institutions in the chain.99 - 115


JE00032051-C3 -Vol.3, No.1, 2010Kampus Bekasi (C3)Tersedia



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