Law Review Edisi Khusus - Agustus 2011

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Edisi Khusus - Agustus 2011
Penerbit Universitas Pelita Harapan : jakarta.,

Artikel Jurnal

Kurikulum Pendidikan Hukum Dalam Menjawab Tantangan Profesi Hukum di IndonesiaWithin this scientific article the Writer is to describe comprehensively pertaining the dynamics of the law education reformation in Indonesia since the establishment of Rechtshogeschool as a law institute in the year of 1924 until now. Moreover, based on the expositions a holistic evaluation shall be conducted namely toward the law educations objectives as well as the administration of the law education existing in Indonesia. Within the context of the law education objective in the governmental tenures in Indonesia, the nutshellscanbe inferred that the objective is aneutral state which means that the objective can be adjusted with the incumbents appetite or the country specific conditions in Indonesia. Furthermore, evaluation over the administration of law education it can be stipulated that the administration has not been fulfilled the objectives. Principally, there are at least four causing factors, namely: the absence of a explicit distinction between the academic and professional educations. Secondly, the weaknesses of the credit based education system. Thirdly, lack of adequate considerations of the education infrastructures. Fourthly, the significant interventions of the curriculum designer. Subsequently, the Writer conduct a comparative analysis in a comprehensive manner toward the law educations orientations in terms of academic, professional, or combination of both within several countries like the United Kingdom, the United States, the Netherlands, Japan and the Germany. On the other hand, in Indonesia the combination of academic orientation and professional one has been continuously applied. Based on the analytical descriptions and the comparative studies there are four improvement measures proposed for the law education in Indonesia, notably: Firstly, the neutralization of the law education objectives in Indonesia to generate law graduates having the legal knowledge and Indonesian law as well as the national and international birthdays of proficiencies. Secondly, an explicit separation between the academic and projessional law educations by administering the law education in a gradual manner and in a specialized way Thirthy comnetence based curriculum or ABK, in terms of implementing the curriculum in the specific law professional skills. Fourthly, the additional educations after the law postgraduate degree. Finally, the improvement process of the law education in Indonesia shall be carried out gradually by synergizing the time, energy, funds and persistence for the optimal and successful achievements of the law education in Indonesia.1-38
Menyelenggarakan Pendidikan Tinggi Hukum Indonesia Dengan Arah PembangunanThis article the Writer, describes the reflections over the conditions torientations of the law education in Indonesia since the nineteen-eighties period until at present. Based on the Writers experiences having plunged into the bureaucracy, academic, and professional worlds as well as studies over the law education in this Country, some important questions emerge, namely whether the law education system in Indonesia has been already succeed in generating the high qualified and professional graduates, like through the link and match programs. As the general outline, the Writer is about to discuss based on the law education systems prevailing in the United States and the European Continental countries, pertaining the genuine orientation of the existing law education system in Indonesia, that is to say, the academic oriented or the professional one. By referring to the academic curriculum of 1993/1994, the law education in Indonesia applies the combination of both academic oriented education and added with the professional skills approach therein. Moreover, the law education in Indonesia must ensure as well that the law graduates have required knowledge and skills to sustain and to foster the developments, particularly the regional and international free trade arrangements involving Indonesia as the participant Country. Therefore, principally speaking to attain those expected goals the roles of the Law Education Consortium are of highly important in Indonesia.39-50
Pembaharuan Sistem Pendidikan Hukum Berorientasi Kepada Profesi Hukum dan Penegakan HukumThe law education generally be classified into the law in a book based and the law in the action or in other words the academic oriented and professional ented law ecucations. Specifically speaking as to the professional law education Indonesia, in general can be categorized into two options, namely: litigation and non-litigation. For the specialized program of non- litigation requires the minimum education of bachelor degree in law and oriented to become the corporate lawyer in companies or in the State owned companies. Meanwhile, for the litigation specialized program requires the additional professional education like for the Attorneys, Judges and the Advocates. The Writer is of opinion that the law professional education problems in Indonesia, by referring to Prof. Mochtar Kusumaatmadja, are rooted in three main factors: Firstly, the irrelevance of the law educations in the universities with the concrete demands facing by the graduates. Secondly, the absence of adequate preparations for the graduates to have the practical skills like legislative drafting. Thirdly, the inadequacies for the graduates to become the solution makers for the existing law problems in Indonesia. The Writer put forth the arguments by referring to the Government Regulations GR) Number 60 of 1999 and GR Number 19 of 2005 concerning the Higher Edhucation, the objectives of the professional law education are: to generate the graduates having the academic and professional capabilities to enrich the science and technology perspectives. Secondly, to develop and to spread the sciences for increasing the society welfare including the national cultures and for the advancement of law graduates qualities.51-72
Kebutuhan Liberal Arts dalam Kurikulum Pendidikan Tinggi Hukum di IndonesiaWithin the context of the law profession and law educations dynamics in Indonesia nowadays, the necessity of the ethics in performing law professions has been increased. This tendency has a very reasonable cause, by considering those cooperative practices committed by the law enforcement like the State attorneys, the Advocates, the Judges and other law professionals, which jeopardizing the authority and the legitimacies of the law enforcement professionals in Indonesia. Based on the analysis of the existing curriculums in Indonesia prior and after the Reformation era, a core conclusion can be inferred namely these curriculums have been modernized winh the current globalization, however they merely emphasizes on the so- called cognitive competencies of the law graduates. Nonetheless, one essential element must be added therein is the holistic knowledge on the religion, cultural, and civics values with the view the graduates are able to implement those strategic values in their daily lives. These competencies have been stipulated within the Decree of Directorate General of DIKTI, Ministry of National Education concerning the Indicators of Implementation of Courses Cluster Character Development in the Higher Education. In several countries, like Japan and the United States these competencies known as the Liberal Arts, for example character development, communication skill, critical thinking, which are very important for the character building of law students. In the local practice, the Pelita Harapan University has aiready applied these Liberal Arts competencies in the curriculum in order to establish the Godly Character, namely True Knowledge, Faith in God, and Godly Character according to Chancellor Decree No. 507/K.O/IV/2009. Expectedly, the incorporation of these competencies in the Curriculum can generate the law graduates having the comprehensive competencies in order to face the rises of the globalization with the appropriate capabilities as well as the right attitude, including the sound paradigm therein in the current and the future periods.73-88
The Development of Capital Market law in Indonesia: Legal Modernization and Good Corporate GovernanceKeberadaan pasar modal Indonesia telah menjadi bagian penting dalam kerangka pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia, terutama sejak tahun 1980an. modal mampu menjadi sumber pendanaan bagi perusahaan ulam mengembangkan usahanya yang pada akhirnya memberikan kontribusi positif pada pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu negara. Seiring modernisasi pasar, eraturan perundang-undangan maupun prinsip-prinsip usaha semakin diakui peran pentingnya dalam sistem pasar modal Indonesia dengan tujuan mendorong transparansi secara teratur, wajar dan terbuka serta diiringi dengan profesionalisme yang melindungi kepentingan publik. Artikel ini membahas mengenai perkembangan umum peraturan perundang-undangan pasar modal di Indonesia sebagai respons terhadap perkembangan sistem keuangan nasional dan global. Dalam menjabarkan perkembangan ini, pasar modal Indonesia dibagi menjadi beberapa periode, yaitu: (1) era kolonial dan pasca-kemerdekaan; (2) era kebangkitan dan pengaktifan kembali, (3) era deregulasi, (4) era undang-undang pasar modal dengan diberlakukannya Undang-undang Nomor 8 tahun 1985 tentang Pasar Modal, dan (5) era pasca krisis dan penguatan peran pasar modal. Dalam periode terakhir kebutuhan akan pelaksanaan prinsip-prinsip Prinsip Tata Kelola Yang Raik (GCG) secara efektif semakin nyata mengingat dampak krisis yang memghantam perekonomian Indonesia. Sejak saat itu, arah perkembangan ikam dan peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesiasemakin menujupada sas-asas transparansi, akuntabilitas, pertanggungjawaban, independensi, dan kewajaran.89-114
Kebijakan Hukum Investasi Pasca Reformasi di IndonesiaThe wave of globalization which occurs in the world has becoming horderless and happens thoroughly toward every aspect of life. The impact of elobalization toward the economy, especialy in trade and investments widens the proliferation of goods and services toward all markets globaly. The tendency of free trade has made many countries concurs its economyc policy with the tendencies of free trade. Besides that, the tendency of free trade has also created the cooperative climate between countries, wheter bilateraly, mulitlateraly, even international. For Indonesia as a developing country and also a part of global community, the tendency of free trade should bring positif impact toward the interest of the state and nation. The concept of economic and the managing of natural resources in Indonesia should be implemented based on Article 33th of The Constitution 1945. The Investment policy that gave room to the entrance of assets, wether domesticaly or internationaly, should concurs with the principles of Indonesian economic policy that has been changed due the significant amount of Constitutional Amandment. However, these amandments occurs in order to keep the harmony and balance of Indonesian people and the investors.115-136
Security Rights in Intellectual Property as Security for Credit From Domestic and International BankUNCITRAL telah mengadopsi UNCITRAL. Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions and its Supplement on security rights in intellectual property Ohe Guide). The Guide berisi hukum mengenai transaksi terjamin (secured TuSAction) atas benda bergerak (movable asset) termasuk hak jaminan (securityright) dalam kekayaan intelektual. Hukum tersebut direkomendasikan antuk diimplementasikan menjadi bagian dari hukum domestik negara- negara anggota UNCITRAL untuk menciptakan keberadaan kredit terjamin (secured credit). UNCITRAL bertujuan untuk menciptakan hukum modern dan keseragaman hukum di semua negara anggotanya, Terkait kekayaan intelektual, dalam the Guide diatur bahwa hak jaminan dalam kekayaan intelektual dapat dijadikan jaminan untuk memeroleh kredit dari perbankan domestik atau perbankan internasional. Dalam hal ini, hak jaminan dalam kekayaan intelektual perlu dinilai secara komersial. Nilai komersial hak jaminan dalam kekayaan intelektual merupakan jaminan kredit. Ketika hak jaminan dalam kekayaan intelektual dijadikan jaminan kredit, hak tersebut diikat secara hukum sehingga menjadikan kreditur menjadi kreditur terjamin (secured creditor). Kreditur terjamin memiliki hak didahulukan dari kreditur lainnya (competing claimant) untuk memeroleh pelunasan kredit yang diberikan kepada debitur yang merupakan pihak yang memiliki hak jaminan dalam kekayaan intelektual yang dijadikan jaminan kredit.137-150
Out of Court Settlement as a Criminal Justice Process Simplification in IndonesiaDalam perkembangan hukum pidana di Indonesia dewasa kini, muncul gagasan untuk menerapkan mekanisme penyelesaian perkara pidana di luar proses peradilan pidana, Berdasarkan ketentuan pasal 109 (2) Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana, mekanisme semacam itu tidaklah diatur secara eksplisit. Secara umum terdapat sejumlah alasan untuk Serapkannya mekanisme semacam itu: Pertama, efektifitas dan efisiensi penanganan dan penyelesaian perkara-perkara pidana yang minor di tengah makin kompleksnya penanganan perkara kejahatan. Kedua, keberatan dari masyarakat khususnya korban kejahatan untuk mengikuti proses peradilan pidana yang panjang dan menghabiskan biaya, mengingat korban seringkali sulit untuk mendapatkan ganti-rugi material dari proses tersebut. Ketiga, bertambah beratnya beban Pemerintah dalam menghukum pelaku kejahatan, mengingat over-capacity dari lembaga pemasyarakatan yang ada pada saat ini. Pada pokoknya, dalam konteks restorative justice mekanisme semacam ini disebut non adversarial atau non-state justice system, yang berarti suatu perkara pidana diselesaikan serupa dengan mediasi, konsiliasi, dan arbitrase di luar peradilan pidana dengan mempertimbangkan kepentingan semua pihak yang terlibat di dalamnya, yakni: pelaku kejahatan, pihak. torban komunitas masyarakat dan lingkungan secara keseluruhan.Di Uni Eropa, penerapan mekanisme semacam ini telah diatur dalam Deklarasi Hak Asasi Manusia pasal 5 dan 6 dengan tujuan menghilangkan stigamtisasi dan menjamin hak-hak tahanan secara layak. Sedangkan di Indonesia berdasarkan Pasal 82 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP), dapat diterapkan dalam perkara-perkara pidana ringan (Buiten Afdoening Process). Dalam artikel ini dilakukan juga komparasi hukum pidana, mengenai mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa di luar peradilan, yakni di: Austria, Belanda, Belgia, Perancis, Inggris, Denmark dan Republik Federal Jerman. Pada tahap akhir, ditarik suatu kesimpulan bahwa perlu dilakukan perubahan dan penyempurnaan aturan hukum pidana dan hukum acaranya untuk menerapkan mekanisme penyelesaian perkara pidana di luar sistem peradilan pidana di Indonesia. Upaya ini telah dilakukan oleh para ahli hukum dalam dan diinkorporasi dalam Pasal 43 paragraf (2) Rancangan Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana tahun 2008.151-162
The Political Situation in Kenya Followng the Investigation of the 2007 Post-Presidential Election Violation by the International CourtAfrika adalah salah satu benua dimana ketegangan-ketegangan politik dan konflik berdarah paling sering terjadi, apakah itu dalam bentuk perang saudara, kediktaktoran seorang pemimpin, konflik mengenai hasil pemilihan umum, dan sebagainya. Konflik di Kenya setelah pemilihan umum pada tahun 2007 adalah salah satu contoh ketegangan politik yang memakan banyak korban jiwa. Kenya merupakan salah satu negara yang telah meratifikasi Statuta Roma, oleh karena itu Mahkamah Pidana Internasional mempunyai jurisdiksi terhadap wilayah dan warga negara Kenya yang melakukan tindak pidana internasional. Permasalahan muncul ketika anggota parlemen Kenya mengajukan proposal agar Kenya menarik diri dari Statuta Roma, sehingga jaksa dari Mahkamah Pidana internasional tidak dapat melakukan penyelidikan dan penuntutan terhadap enam orang ternama di Kenya yang diduga telah melakukan tindak pidana serius pada kerusuhan yang terjadi di tahun 2007. Artikel ini akan membahas mengenai konsekuensi dari proposal penarikan diri ini dan pelajaran apa yang dapat Indonesia pelajari dari situasi ini.163-176



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