Law Review Volume XI, Nomor 2, November 2011 | Perpustakaan Universitas Bhayangakara Jakarta Raya
Advanced SearchLaw Review Volume XI, Nomor 2, November 2011
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Volume |
Volume XI, Nomor 2, November 2011
Penerbit | Universitas Pelita Harapan : jakarta., 2011 |
Subyek |
Artikel Jurnal
Judul | Abstract | Halaman |
Pemisahan Bank Berbadan Hukum Perseroan Terbatas: Tanpa Mengabaikan Kepentingan Pemegang Saham Minoritas dan Karyawan | The legal rules accomodate and facilitate legal needs and interest of a bank that legal personalized in limited company, in order to do split off or spin off, in the frame of corporate restructuring with out disregarding minority shareholders and employees, insist of the requirements, scheme of arrangement, publication and legal impact of split off or spin off. In the case of split off or spin off a bank that legal personalized in limited company, so that the legal rules protect interest of: first, minority shareholders that unagree will have the right to sell their shares on normal price, to settle dispute by arbitration and alternative dispute resolution, and to take a law suit through public court if their rights is damaged; second, the employees that unagree have the right to take objection and to solve dispute by bipartit, conciliation, arbitration, and mediation, and also to take a law suit through public court if their rights is damaged. In order to garanty a legal certainty in implementing split off or spin off the banks that legal personalized in limited company in Indonesia, so that recommended to revise the legal rules related in corporation and banking. | 143-180 |
Perkembangan Hukum Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia | Economy condition of a country is a determinant aspect of living standards of its people. One of the institutions that have a major influence on the economy is banking. Significant development of banking industry in Indonesia occurred in the 90s. Since Indonesia is a country with majority Moslem population, the syariah banking has a role in the national banking system. However, syariah banking and its regulation does not developed together along with conventional banking. The activities of syariah banking, including dispute settlement, basically are simillar to conventional banking, but in different principle. The different is on the syariah principle, which is proscribe interest system instead of loss and profit sharing system. | 181-198 |
Aspek Hukum Kartu Kredit dan Dilema Penagihannya | Credit card is used by holder or consumer to pay bills or to withdraw money in Case of needs. In order to get a credit card, consumer should file an application ta the issuer ( usually bank ), and then issuer will give approval on it. Terms and condtions of the card is set standard and designed solely by the issuer. This standardized clause is considered as a take it or leave it contract, which couldn be avoided by holder. Act No. 8 of 1999 regarding Consumers Protection prohibits standardized contract if it creates harm to consumer. Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 11/11/PBI/2009 together with Bank Indonesia Circular Letter No. 11/10/DASP provide rights and obligations of the issuer in order to strengthen consumers protection. In many cases issuer gives the proxy to debt collector to collect over-due balance of credit card, and most of the time debt collector does the job improperly. With the recent death of credit card holder in Citibank Jakarta supposed to happen because of the guilty of debt collector, we are of the opinion that Bank Indonesia shoud review and strengthen all regulations regarding credit card business. | 199-216 |
Between Keeping Bank Secrecy and Reporting Suspicious Transaction in the Fight Against Money Laundering Review from the Perspective of Law No. 8 of 2010 | Bisnis perbankan adalah bisnis kepercayaan. Ketika bank kehilangan kepercayaan nasabahnya maka ia sedang berjalan menuju keruntuhan. Tidak heran di masa lalu bank sangat menjaga ketat kerahasiaan informasi terkait nasabahnya dengan menutup akses baik terhadap pihak ketiga pada umumnya maupun dari aparat hukum pada khususnya dengan menggunakan kerahasiaan bank sebagai alasan utama. Namun demikian masih ada celah bagi bank untuk mengenyampingkan kerahasiaan bank ini sehingga informasi nasabah mereka dapat diakses oleh pihak ketiga yang terkait, termasuk juga para penegak hukum. Hukum perbankan Indonesia mengatur tentang kerahasiaan bank dengan beberapa perkecualian. Dengan diberlakukannya Undang-undang Nomor 8 tentang Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang, beberapa perkecualian umum yang dimuat dalam undang-undang perbankan menjadi lebih spesifik dalam undang-undang anti pencucian uang. Berdasarkan undang-undang ini prinsip kerahasiaan bank dikesampingkan dalam hal tindak pidana yang terkait dengan pencu- cian uang. Bank sebagai pihak pelapor adanya transaksi yang mencurigakan kepada PPATK, selaku otoritas dalam pencucian uang, mendapat imunitas ganda namun imunitas tersebut hanya berlaku dalam keadaan tertentu, yai- tu bila pihak pelapor menjalankan kewajibannya berlandaskan itikad baik (good faith) dan tidak ada pelampauan wewenang (ultra vires) dalam proses pelaporan tersebut. | 217-230 |
Pembukaan Rahasia Bank Untuk Kepentingan Pemeriksaan Perpajakan | The regulation of bank secrecy has two functions that oppose each other. On one side, it supports the efforts to protect public interest, that is, the bank customer On the other side, bank secrecy may become a barrier to the tax audit process conducted by the Directorate General of Taxation. One of the duties and functions of the Directorate General of Taxation is to obtain data and information from tax payers, who also become saving customers in banks. The Directorate General of Taxation has difficulty obtaining accurate information under the current system. Thus, the system enables the tax payer to conceal his wealth and become impervious to the tax audit process. This condition is contrary to the fact that Indonesia needs taxes to develop the welfare of people in Indonesia. | 231-246 |
Mengkaji Kejahatan Korporasi di Bidang Perbankan Dalam Sistem Perbankan Indonesia | In his terminology, corporate crime can be defined as: crimes for corpora- rions; crime against corporation; and criminal corporation. If we look at the Banking Act (Number 7 of 1992 juncto number 10 of 1998), only crimes against the banking licensing course that provides a penalty to the corporations as a legal subject. The field of licensing, banking institutions be subject criminal corporations. Of course, banking institutions should be protected as well as the object of corporate crime in the banking field, as in the term of crimes for corporations and criminal corporation. Therefore, the number of criminal cases involving corporations in banking, both corporate crime in the banking sector in the areas of licensing; in bank confidential areas; in the bank supervision areas and within the banks business operations areas. We should have, the Banking Act must be revised to give criminal sanctions to corporations that commit crimes in the field of bank secrecy; of bank supervision, and bank operations. | 247-268 |
Peran Perbankan Dalam Usaha Perbaikan Lingkungan Dengan Pendekatan Economic Analysis of Law | No one can deny that environmental issue has become a multidimensional problem. Therefore to perform management actions both at the prevention and enforcement levels must carry a multidimensional approach as well. An economic entity that is seen as a source of destruction for the environmental conditions, should receive different treatment in order to arouse owned rationality, which can deliver compliance to the prevailing regulations in the environmental field. The economic analysis of law by relying upon the principle that every person is a homo economicus and always tries to maximize profits in the middle of the scarcity. This is the entry point that can be used in viewing the existence of green banking instruments in Indonesia. | 269-286 |
Competition Rules in the WTO Framework | Liberalisasi perdagangan internasional melalui penghapusan atau pengurangan hambatan tariff dan non-tariff tidak akan berjalan lancar, jika i pasar domestik para pelaku usaha melakukan praktek persaingan tidak schat yang mengakibatkan tersingkirnya pelaku usaha asing dari pasar domestik. Hukum Persaingan nasional cenderung mengabaikan praktek tersebut karena persaingan usaha di pasar domestik tidak terganggu. Hukum Persaingan nasional juga tidak dapat menindak praktek kartel dan merger di luar negeri yang merugikan pasar domestik. WTO sejauh ini juga belum memiliki aturan khusus yang dapat menindak praktek persaingan tidak sehat lintas negara yang dilakukan para pelaku usaha, yang dapat mengganggu kelancaran perdagangan internasional. Oleh karenanya, Hukum Persaingan yang berskala internasional dirasa perlu, yang dapat diwujudkan dalam kerangka WTO. | 287-305 |