The Handbook of Loss Prevention and Crime Prevention, 5e, is a trusted resource for physical security professionals, students, and candidates for the coveted Certified Protection Professional (CPP) certification administered by ASIS International. The U.S. government recently announced that employees will have to obtain CPP certification to advance in their careers. Edited by the security pr…
Airport, Aircraft, and Airline Security, 2ed is a comprehensive study of every aspect of modern aviation security. Topics are presented from a historical perspective and examined through a down-to-earth practical approach to solving current problems.
Effective Security Management, 5e, teaches practicing security professionals how to build their careers by mastering the fundamentals of good management. Charles Sennewald brings a time-tested blend of common sense, wisdom, and humor to this bestselling introduction to workplace dynamics. Working with a team of sterling contributors endowed with cutting-edge technological expertise, the book pr…