Air sebagai salah satu kebutuhan dasar manusia tidak hanya digunakan untuk minum, tetapi juga untuk mencuci, memasak, dan lain-lain. Dalam mengukur kadar kualitas air, setidaknya ada tiga kategori yang bisa digunakan, yaitu parameter fisik, kima, dan biologi. Air yang bersih jika diukur dari parameter fisik dapat dilihat dari tingkat kekeruhan, warna, dan bau. Sementara air dikatakan bersih men…
Understanding and Servicing Alarm Systems, Third Edition has seen the alarm industry enter the computer age. With its coverage of microcomputerized controls, sophisticated detection devices, methods of alarm reporting, that second edition broke new ground. Now completely updated to reflect the security industry's most high-tech advances, the third edition of Understanding and Servicing Alarm Sy…
Airport, Aircraft, and Airline Security, 2ed is a comprehensive study of every aspect of modern aviation security. Topics are presented from a historical perspective and examined through a down-to-earth practical approach to solving current problems.